A downloadable game


Featherbrook High is cursed and filled with terrible, HORRIFYING MONSTERS!!!

And YOU (yes you), play a highschooler named Bee, who is one of the very few survivors in Featherbrook High that are the only hopes of freeing her school from the Blight.

…That, and your incredibly mysterious and brooding crush, Max, is ALSO one of the very last survivors!

Lucky you, right?

So now, maybe... 

...With all the adrenaline and blood splatters on your cute little face, you’ll finally have the courage to confess to him!

And, who knows…

…Maybe that might just be the thing that actually breaks the curse?

Oh, but don’t ask me though — I’m just here for the fun!

That’s for you to figure out, hun!

(Whoa, that rhymed! Guess I can be a poet now, huh?)

Hold up... "Who am I?"

That's SPOILERS, hun! Sorry!

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